Rockbridge County Spring Identification Project Final Report
The Natural Bridge Soil & Water Conservation District entered into a partnership with SKTWorks, LLC., a local firm providing GIS services for conservation to produce a comprehensive inventory of springs within the Maury River Watershed in Rockbridge County. The voluntary springs identification project was seeking to locate springs in Rockbridge as part of an effort to raise awareness and understanding of groundwater resources. The project is part of an initiative to better monitor and protect the county's groundwater, which provides vital drinking water for residents and for agricultural purposes.
The Natural Bridge SWCD would like to thank each and every landowner, agency, board member and staff for their efforts in getting this project completed. The Rockbridge County Spring Identification Project Final Report is complete, and copies have been donated to the local library system.
For landowner's who participated in this study and would like further information about drinking water guidelines or further testing, you can contact Tom Stanley, Agriculture Extension Agent, at the Rockbridge County Extension Office 540-463-4734. The Rockbridge Extension office periodically offers water testing through VA Tech and Mr. Stanley can also provide a list of private certified labs in the region that offer analytical services.

Natural Bridge SWCD Chairman, Robert G. Deyo, presents the Final Report of the Rockbridge County Spring Identification Project to the Rockbridge Regional Library. Photo taken by NBSWCD staff on April 12, 2023.